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Moving Form Into Function


The Fajardo Method of Holistic Biomechanics™  teaches movement education and motor

re-patterning in conjunction with nervous system awareness.

Temporary Studio Relocation

Currently our studio space at 1710 SW Taylor is being renovated.  We are temporarily located about 1 mile north in the Fitzgibbons Glass Building

2001 NW 19th Ave, Suite 103A

Portland, OR 97209


Please enter our space through the parking lot off of Vaughn Street.  The door to the vestibule our entrance is off of is marked with a TIXIE sign.

Who We Help

We work with a diverse population of clientele, from those wanting to avoid surgery to those who have had surgery but remain in pain.  We also work with highly accomplished athletes and those individuals that want to improve their overall health and wellness. Moreover, we take into account the body, mind and spiritual connection.

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